Wednesday 11 June 2014

Task 4 - Analysis of a Game Genre

Critical Approaches to Creative Media Products

Selected Genre: Stealth Action Adventure.

Stealth action adventure games typically contain elements from three of the main game Genres, games within the stealth Genre may contain swift movements under the radar containing a secret organization with a purpose. Games within the action genre will typically contain fast paced combat sequences, destruction loud firearms and a protagonist which possesses better knowledge or experience than the rest of their type. Games titled Adventure may contain a wide open environment and a hero's journey involving motivation, risks puzzles and a unique series of events.

The following games are labeled Stealth action adventure because they contain one or more aspects of each of these genre's, i have chosen these titles as i believe they are the best of their kind from Success in the market to an overall brilliant gaming experience.


Dishonored places you in control of Corvo Attano a royal body guard framed for the murder of his empress and sentenced  to death. Upon escape of the prison Corvo is proclaimed the infamous assassin responsible for the death of his master. With an arsenal of unusual gadgets and an array of paranormal abilities it is your job to take back your homeland and rid the world of the ones who betrayed you.

In Game Elements

When producing the game Arkane Studio's chose not to include dialogue for the player character as they wanted the player to be immersed and could project their own image of what the character should sound like.

Similar to most games of the stealth action adventure Genre, the game provides you with many unique gadgets and upgrades that will enhance your gaming experience, another game which shares a similar system is Assassins creed.

The visual elements of Dishonored are diverse as their are two sides to the world, the paranormal and sinister dream world and place of rest for Corvo, and then there is your homeland reconstructed and armored to the teeth protecting the General who's death you seek. For the most part everything is either deteriorating or broken, this displays what the former royal bodyguard has been reduced to and what has slipped from his grasp.

The sound produced for Dishonored is a stereotypical example of a stealth action based title, the movements are very discreet and the ambience are looming and mysterious, which when accompanied with the assassin like structure makes for the perfect stealth action title.

Each of my chosen games contain a lot of the same elements but it's how they display those elements which make them unique to one another, in the dishonored play-through for the most part the player remains on the ground, the reason this is attainable is because the character can manipulate the environment around him possessing creatures and rendering himself invisible to the naked eye, when this is compared to the Assassins Creed game play Ubisoft take the opposite approach of stealth and obscurity which is to blend around with the surrounding using the population as a means of being unnoticed when on foot and using parkour elements when approaching from above.

Assassins Creed

The first of the chosen titles Assassins Creed is a long running series projecting an ancient rivalry between two secret societies the Assassins and knights Templar's. The games alternate a cross timeline open world the first places the user in control of a seemingly modern casual bartender by the name of Desmond miles, growing up as an assassin Desmond chose to flee from his homeland to seek the life of the casual man, unfortunately the Templar's learned of his relation to the prominent assassins and planned to capture and kill Desmond among the discovery that he possesses the knowledge of secret long forgotten artifacts a secret organization known as Abstergo capture Desmond in an attempt for him to reveal the information they seek.

In Game Elements 

Through the creation of the animus a device which renders genetic memories in three dimensions, the player can revisit points in history placing them in control of their many ancestors. One of the things that makes this title unique is the ability to link the two timelines together with reason, the animus system allows Ubisoft to place the character in some of the historical points in time without the game being solely around that era.

Assassins Creed games tend to have many traditional elements of the year in which the player is synced into, such as in the first assassins creed you are placed in control of Altaïr at the masyaf, so the equipment is fairly limited as are resources, the player has limited flexibility ranging from the basic tools of the trade such as the sword and cleaver for combat and horse and foot for travel, of course their were the unique elements of the game which were the infamous Hidden blade and apple of eden.

Throughout the course of the series Ubisoft has kept the games purpose true and unique to the others before it, one of the most recent releases Assassins creed 3 places you at the front of the american revolution as one of Desmond ancestors this time a lot further down the timeline the game offers a wide range of gadgets and maneuvers such as the tomahawk, pistol, musket, war club poison dart, bow and arrow. As well as all these game exclusives the player is able to upgrade how much they have available to them and the upgrades available to their arsenal.

All of the games in the Assassins creed series contain a few key stealth aspects, these are the unusual Eagle vision, hidden blade and parkour elements of the game, unlike the splinter Cell and Dishonored titles the player needs to use every obstacle and situation to their advantage to achieve success. An example of this is that in every creed released so far the player is given the task of gaining access or following a certain individual, when the game places you in these situations unlike Splinter Cell and dishonored where the game gives you the option to manipulate your surrounding to work to your advantage the player character in assassins creed needs to use the over populated crowd scenes as their means of being undiscovered.

Unlike the other titles assassins creed alternates between various different points in time so the visuals differ throughout the players journey, although staying true to the stealth action adventure Genre when in control of the more fluid traditional  assassin the player is surrounded by building with many edges and points enabling the player to attain a godlike view of their surroundings unlocking more secrets of their location for them to use to their advantage.

When playing as the modern age protagonist Desmond the visuals are sleek official and almost futuristic for the most part, the areas tend to consist of shiny metal or a digital hologram displaying a form of information.

The sound used in assassins creed stays true to the Genre when in the Animus in control of the ancient assassins, swift fluent and mysterious for the most part as well as ambience exclusive to the time in which the world is set in such as an Italian rhythm accompanying the player when undetected followed by a more sinister theme when face in combat.  

Splinter Cell: Conviction

The final of my chosen titles the very recent Splinter Cell Conviction takes on a whole new approach from the previously mentioned and is what would be described as a modern stereotypical stealth action game where the character is provided with an arsenal of suppressed weapons and gadgets such as heat sensors and night vision goggles which they will use against the target to eliminate them without any suspicions, this is similar to a modern take on the Assassins creed hidden blade and assassinations.

Conviction Places you in control of former agent Sam fisher Discovering the reason behind his daughter Sarah's death whilst being targeted by various hit men.

Alike the previously discusses titles the Splinter cell titles offers a wide range of equipment and upgrades to enhance your gaming experience, the unlock and upgrade system is a common trait in most stealth action games whether it be a modern take or historical old fashioned world the character is placed in.

The visual elements to the Splinter cell titles consist mainly of darkened areas for the player to remain unseen throughout their story, the game also features obstacles and edges placed in certain points of the game allowing the character access to higher ground for a better view. Any other visual aspects of the game do not directly relate to the other titles as they would be the government and military style structures and agent bases consisting of modern agent tactical equipment.

Although the game is titled Action adventure stealth their are more than a fair dose of public confrontations throughout the game, when playing as the suited government agent the sounds like one would assume tend to be quite similar to other games of the trade, featuring calm flowing ambience in the background and suppressed gunfire when eliminating the target.

I chose the above titles for the analysis due to the similarities of the in game elements and motives of their development, each hold key elements of the classic stealth action game with their own unique twists ranging from Advanced Electronic disabling tactical equipment to the possession of the surrounding wildlife.

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