Tuesday 1 October 2013

Task 2 - Audience Responce to Products

Audience Theory
Audience theory is a vital step in the creation of a game, which some may believe manipulate people and lead them to purchasing the game or some form of downloadable content.
Audience theory has been used for many years & through different media such as the radio, newspaper and advertisement.
The media or text its self has no meaning until it is read out or produced, which is usually by someone with great power or fame.

Hypodermic Needle Model
The hypodermic needle model originated in the 1920’s and is the first form of Audience theory which was an attempt to explain how audiences would respond to media over a large range of people.

The theory deduces that a mass audience can be injected with messages in favor of the desired media.History proves that this method is very powerful and effective, partly responsible for the swift rising of radio and television, advertisements and can even relate to Hitlers possession of the mass media during the second world war. 

Although effective this form is only known to effect an audience for a short amount of time.

Inoculation Model
The inoculation model is a theory that being exposed to media for a long enough amount of time will make you immune to what it is you are seeing & possibly make you want to try it out for yourself.
The audience for this form is passive.

Two-Step Flow Model
The two step model also known as the two step flow, was first introduced in a study in the year 1994, the study was focused on the process of decision making during an election campaign, the researchers did however not expect the results they had achieved and went on to develop the two step model as a form of mass communication.

The theory itself implies that data from the media interchanges, firstly opinion front runners who are devoted to the masses and its messages take in the information; the leaders then take into consideration the media and deduce their own way of presenting the information in addition to the evidence they have collected.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

The uses and gratifications theory looks at the incentives of the audience who use the media, and questions our reason for doing the things we do, for example, why we watch a certain program or for what reason we devote our time to watching a film series we enjoy, the main concept of this theory is to rather than asking the ways the media uses us, the theory focuses on how me use the media.

This theory supports the idea that a change in thinking and exposure to lot's of text enabled the audience to answer questions based on their experiences and knowledge.


Reception Theory
The Reception theory originated in 1973, and was developed by a cultural studies scholar named Stuart Hall , the model was featured in his essay titled Encoding/Decoding model of communication.

Formerly known as audience reception this is the idea that someone reading a form of text will develop meaning of the information, observe it and then come to a final conclusion of what they believe it to represent.








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